SDN Village - Practitioners Notes
Wendy Daniel: can we please ensure that whether appt and record is created in the SDN Village, SafeCare section or case record timeline it is duplicated across all 3 sections. currently records created in the SDN Village is not copied over in the file timeline.
If a practitioner types a note under SDN village it does not show up on the case file so the case worker cannot see what is written. It also doesn't show up in the chronological index either so may not come across if notes have to be subpoena.
Linsey Bennett
Linsey Bennett
Investigated by Ariel: The activity seems to be linked to a process flow and when the process is triggered it changes the owner - but Ariel couldn't locate the flow to understand further.
Linsey Bennett
ALSO - Logged by Vanessa Quinn
CMS is still creating "CRM owner" files, which appear to be unfinished notes from practitioners. Unfortunately, I still don't have a way to identify who created these notes or how to follow up or delete them. I understand that you’ve been very busy since we last spoke. Have you been able to find out why this is happening or how it can be resolved?
Linsey Bennett
under review